He emphasized also that the annual celebration of the Mass of the Holy Spirit is not a cyclical event but linear as we witness that there’s an improvement of life from first year to second and so forth.The grace of the Holy Spirit is necessary for students through the practice of piety, fortitude and the other gifts of the Holy Spirit.
These gifts become the source of our inspiration throughout the school year. Likewise, he emphasized the role of the OAR educational apostolate in the Philippines by reading the newly formulated vision-mission of the SEAP and its core values.
The meaningful Eucharistic Celebration was joined by the OAR Administrators, Lay Administrators, Faculty, Personnel and students in a jam-packed gymnasium. With the OAR community are the priests from the Sacred heart Seminary led by Rev. Fr. Gerry Alminasa. After the Holy Communion, the lay administrators and faculty made their oath of commitment to be dedicated teachers, committed employees and an example to the students.
Right before the blessing, Fr. Jay Parilla, OAR announced the suspension of classes except for the Basic Education. The happiness was felt inside the gymnasium as the students jubilantly expressed through pandemonium shouts and jubilant giggles.
The Eucharistic Celebration concluded with the jovial song with a dance performed by the Campus Ministry volunteers.
"Come, Holy Spirit, come!”