The College of Education gave credit to those students who excel in their class. An Honor Convocation was held at […]
Joining Lupo as “Magna cum Laude” are: Louise Valerie Abaño; Kareen Mae Estrella; Leonie Vee Garanzo; Charity Dianne Jocame; Zenny […]
TOSP Region VI Finalist, THOS Awardee and UNOSSGO Outgoing President Junell Lupo will lead around 700 graduates belonging to batch […]
Two colleges made it to the final round of the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos debate contest held January 18 at […]
The Uni-wide debate will be held on January 18 at the University lobby at 4:30 pm.The proposition is “Resolve that […]
Basic Education Computer Laboratories and the Student Lounge were inaugurated and blessed at the University of Negros Occidental-Recoletos last October […]
University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos, College of Education hosted a two-day seminar- workshop on revisiting principles and criteria of classroom assessment in all levels & designing and development of licensure examination questions this January 31 & February 1, 2011 at the Presidents Hall.
Teacher Education Council (TEC) in partnership with the Colleges of Education from University of Negros Occidental- Recoletos (UNO-R) and La Consolacion College- Bacolod (LCC- B) sponsored the “TEACHER EDUCATION STUDENTS’ CONGRESS” held at Negros Occidental Multi- Purpose Activity Center (NOMPAC) last November 22, 2010.
The senior students of the College of Education attended a seminar on lesson planning at the AVR – Engineering (the morning venue) and Little Theater (the afternoon venue) last December 6, 2010. The seminar focused on interactive talk and collaborative activities, which aims to train the future teachers to design effective lesson plans.