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CCJE Holds Symposium

   The UNO-Recoletos College of Criminal Justice Education Department held a symposium on   “Current Issues Affecting R.A. 8551 as amended by R.A. 9708, Comparative Police System and Ethical Standards affecting Police Performance”.  The speaker was Atty. Ifor I. Magbanua, Ph.D., CEO VI, Acting Inspector General, Internal Affairs Service of the Philippine National Police. The symposium was held at the President’s Hall of UNO-R and was participated by delegations from Bago City College, NONESCOST – Murcia and Sagay; La Carlota City College and West Negros University.

CCJE Dean Attends Peace Convention

Mrs. Jasmin L. Parreño, Dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE), attended the 20th Annual Convention of the Philippine Educators Association for Criminology Education (PEACE) held at the University of Baguio in Baguio City last July 17-18, 2009.  This yearly activity aims to update the status of the Criminal Justice/Criminology Education in the Philippines.  This year’s convention was spearheaded by the PEACE President, (Ret.) Gen. Yakal M. Giron.

At the opening program, the City Mayor of Baguio, Mayor Peter Ray Bautista, delivered a very inspiring message of welcome to the delegates of the convention.  Dr. Ruben Sta. Teresa of the University of Zamboanga reported on “The State of Criminal Justice/Criminology Education in the Country Today”.  After the open forum that was moderated by Atty. Sabijon of Bohol, Dr. Rosendo Moro Dial, the Chief of the BJMP, gave his Keynote Address.

The two-day convention ended with an election of PEACE interim regional directors to represent each region in the country.  For Region VI, Dean Jasmin Parreño was elected for the period 2009-2012. (JLParreño)

CCJE Undertakes Community Service

Faculty members of the College of Criminal Justice Education, Miss Jean Benedicto, Mr. Carlito Magbanua, and Mrs. Sally Kalalang and college secretary Ms. Pamela Delgado joined the 98 Police Interns of the college in a coastal clean-up and mangrove tree planting activity at the off-shore area of Punta Taytay, Sum-ag, Bacolod City last on Sunday, July 26.

This activity was held in response to the requirement of the UCDO for all colleges and departments to provide outreach program and service to some communities by focusing on environmental awareness.  The clean-up and tree planting activity was facilitated by the Community Outreach coordinators of the college Miss Caryl Vina Jabasa and Mr. Mario Jocson.  (SSKalalang)

CCJE strengthens Faculty Development

With the aim of strengthening its Faculty Development Program, the College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE) Dean and other faculty members attended and will attend conference and trainings that would be instrumental in the improvement of the quality of instruction delivered to the students of the college.

CCJE Holds 2-Day College Activities

The College of Criminal Justice Education (CCJE), through its Student Council, held its General Assembly and Freshmen Orientation and Freshmen Reception on June 27 and 28, respectively.

These activities aimed to introduce freshman students with the college’s faculty line-up and to acquaint them with the University’s rules, regulations, and policies.  Said activities also purported to develop the sense of camaraderie and unity among CCJE students.

Venues for the activities were the University Auditorium, University Field, and Mini Gym.

In view of the said activities, parents of the freshmen, transferees, and shiftees were also enjoined to attend a Parents’ Meeting last June 27 at 10:30 AM at the Crime Laboratory.  The meeting aimed to establish a harmonious relationship among the parents, faculty, and students of the college.  (SSKalalang)

CCJE Faculty Invited By PAASCU

Former Dean of the College of Criminal Justice Education, Carlito M. Magbanua, M. S. Crim, has been invited by the Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU) to serve as Chairperson for areas of faculty and laboratory in the preliminary survey to the BS Criminology program of Holy Trinity College, Puerto Princesa City.  The Preliminary Visit is scheduled July 23-24, 2009.  (SSKalalang)