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UNO-R Celebrates Fiesta

In honor of the Patron Saint of the University of Negros Occidental – Recoletos, St. Nicholas of Tolentino, the university will hold  Septenary Masses from Sept. 3 to Sept 9,2010 and his Feast day on Sept. 10, 2010. St. Nicholas is also the patron of the poor souls in Purgatory.


UNO-R greets Mother Mary

UNO-R greets Mother Mary

The Children of Mary (COM), UNO-R chapter, will hold a birthday bash for Mother Mary today with the theme “Commissioned to commemorate Mary as our Mother and Intercessor.”

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The whole UNO-R community celebrated the feast of the Patron Saint of the OAR Province in the Philippines, St. Ezekiel Moreno, on August 19.  The celebrated started with a Walk for Healing as early as 6:00 AM.  The long stretch started from the Capitol Lagoon to the UNO-R Campus.

UNO-R to Co-Sponsor Gospel Symposium

UNO-R to Co-Sponsor Gospel Symposium

The University will co-sponsor a symposium with the Catholic Biblical Association of the Philippines on March 6 to 7, 2009 at the University Auditorium.  The symposium is tagged “I am not ashamed of the Gospel!  St. Paul for Today”

Day 1 of the two-day symposium is intended for the students.  Topics included for the first day are “Who is St. Paul?”; “Leading a Community according to St. Paul”; and Is St. Paul a Woman-Hater?”.